"Super support!"
The system is easy and smooth and you have a great support to go through the e-learning modules and get your certificate. User friendly and professional.
Simone Guiducci Volunteer at MSH Peru
"Awesome system."
A system that include many contributions from professionals coming from different fields. The best way to recognize your growth during volunteering experiences.
Tommaso Cosentino Pescetto President of Associazione Joint
"Great Customization."
The system allows every organisation to get a customized, unique and non-replicable certificate that can be used to certify the volunteers soft-skills acquirement.
Jessica Sanchez MSH Peru President
"Useful Tool."
Working in HR field you realize how much is needed a tool like this. In nowadays job market soft skills are more and more required.
Ana Daniela HR at Câmara Municipal de Cascais
"Valuable Resource."
We often wonder about how to give recognition to soft-skills you may acquire during non-formal experiences such volunteering. We found an answer in Glore.
Isabel R. Floríndez HR at Fluir
"Volunteer Oriented"
Our main purpose is to help our volunteers to develop skills that can be used afterwards. This system enhance these experiences giving a professional recognition.
Alice Lanfranchi Project Manager at Joint
By joining the network you will receive a personal account that gives your volunteers access to create their certificates with our support.
To guide your volunteers through the recognition and understanding of their soft skills, we prepared several e-learning modules that will guide them through the process!
We want to assure the maximum level of satisfaction of our users, thanks to tailor made certification system and certificate
The certification system is free for all people volunteering in organisations members of The GloRe Network. For organisations to join the network is free at the moment while in the future will be covered by the membership fee, the will be determined by the network itself (no more than 200€ per year for each organisation).
The E-learning modules are here to guide your volunteers through the understanding and evaluation of their soft-skills. In this way volunteers are supported by our system and organisations can focus only on the assessment, saving time for their daily job.
Soft skills are sometimes referred to as transferable skills or professional skills. As this term implies, these are skills that are less specialised, less rooted in specific vocations, and more aligned with the general disposition and personality of a candidate.
Examples of important soft skills are communication, teamwork and problem solving.
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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Associazione Joint and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union