Study Visit in Milan on the Management and Certification of Volunteers
This study visit has been envisioned to promote the exchange of good practices and the creation of new partnerships between Civil Society Organisations (CSO) active in the field of volunteering.
Participants’ profile:
The Study Visit is addressed to members with a decision-taking power within Civil Society Organisations with a that are active or very interested in:
- the recognition of CSOs at public and institutional level;
- the management of volunteers and the implementation of innovative volunteering programmes;
- the implementation of specific measures to help volunteers and young people to recognize their learning process and eventually to certify it;
- the establishment of long-term cooperation between Turkish and European CSOs;
- being actively involved in the next steps of the project and in future cooperation with the other CSOs.
Contents of the Study Visit:
The Study Visit will last for 5 days (arrival the 18/10/2021 and departure the 22/10/2021). At the beginning of the Study Visit participants will share expectations and contributions, will get to know each other, and break the ice using non formal education activities, thus fostering the creation of a cooperative and proactive group environment. Then we will visit at least 5 CSOs discovering good practices and establishing new partnerships.
Both the participants and the visited organizations will get an explanation of the GloRe Certification System and will be asked to contribute and participate in the process.
Tasks of the participants:
- Prepare a short presentation of their organisation in English,
- Personally participate or involve another staff member of your organisation in a 6-8hrs Online Technical Training to learn how GloRe works the 13/10/2021 from 9:30 to 17:30 CEST,
- Share at least 1 content about the project on the organisation’s social media channels.
Visa support:
Turkish participants will be helped in the Visa process by Associazione Joint with invitation letter and contacts with the Italian Embassy.
Covid-19 measures:
All participants will need to have the Green Pass, thus will need to be vaccinated and/or to do regular Covid tests before and during the visit. The project will cover the costs for all the needed Covid tests. However, the final status and requirements will be clarified in a closer date to the study visit since Covid-19 related measures change constantly.
Terms and conditions
Economic conditions: 100% of the costs related to travel, accommodation, Visa, and Covid-19 tests will be covered by the Project. No participation or membership fee is foreseen.
How to apply:
Fill this form by 15/9/2021.
Brief Info About the Project, Certification Platform and the GloRe Network:
The project: Euro-Turkish Civil Society Recognition (EUROTUREC):
“EUROTUREC” (ref num. CSD-VI/372) is supported by the EU Programme “Supporting Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme (CSD-VI)”. The aim of the Program is to foster cooperation between Turkish and European Civil Society.
EUROTUREC is the follow-up of GloCal Recognition (CSD-V/397) and it aims at fostering the recognition and establish a long-term cooperation between Turkish and European CSOs.
The main concrete objectives are:
1- reinforce partnerships and create a concrete support to foster cooperation opportunities between Turkish and European CSOs;
2- further development of certification-and-support tools for volunteers and CSOs’ staff;
3- train organisations’ k-members in volunteers’ management, networking and project development;
4- increase the number of CSOs and of young people benefitting from GloRe system and network;
5- reinforce the network internal governance fostering sense of belonging and reliability;
6- boost the recognition of involved CSOs and the civil society ecosystem through activities of analysis, networking and dissemination.
The Certification platform
It is a certification platform that allows both international and local volunteers to receive a certificate with recognition of the soft skills they acquired while volunteering.
The latest version of the platform, launched in March 2021, enables users to get a certificate either in English, Turkish, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. Volunteers have the possibility to go through 26 e-learning modules that help them in assessing their level in each soft-skill (the ones certified by the platform) and in creating a short dossier about their learning. At the end of the process the host organisation will validate the certificate, taking responsibility for approving the information on it. The platform is complementary to other certifications as Youthpass and is meant to provide volunteers with a flexible and reliable certificate, while investing a few hours on it. The certificate is recognised internationally by the members of The GloRe Network international community and by several educational and public institutions.
The GloRe Network
The GloRe Network is the umbrella organisation that overviews the correct usage of the platform and the memberships. Organisations need to become members of it to be able to use the certificate platform.
How to apply