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GloCal Recognition

The Glore Network

An umbrella organisation

The GloRe Network is the international umbrella organization that manages the GloRe Platform and all its contents, including the GloRe Certification System of the soft-skills acquired by local and international volunteers.

The Network was founded in 2017 and aims at reinforcing globally the recognition of Civil Society Organisations by:

  1. Developing an innovative tool for the recognition of the soft-skills acquired with local and international volunteering
  2. Advocating for the recognition of the competences achieved while volunteering
  3. Foster the employability and personal development of the volunteers
  4. Building the capacities and reinforcing the cooperation between NGOs active in the field of volunteering from all over the world
  5. Promote the recognition of the volunteering sector and its role in the society. 

See the list of Full Members, Trial Members and the Allies of The GloRe Network.

Glocal Recognition

The beginning of our journey

Funded by the Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme (CSD-V/397), GloCal Recognition aims at strengthening the dialogue between European and Turkish civil society through the development of tools and activities for the recognition of Volunteering to ensure mutual understanding, sustainable dialogue and future cooperation. 

The project fosters the development of many parts of the GloRe Certification Platform: the e-learning modules, the toolkit on certification, the new certification procedure and a general improvement given by over 100 young people that tried  the certification within the project. But, above all, GloCal Recognition expands the project giving the possibility to certify not only international volunteers, but also local volunteers. In this process are involved many preeminent organizations both in Turkey (TEGV, TOG, Need Map) and in Italy (Emergency, ActionAid). Also Abdullah Gul University and other training and employment institutions are involved so that the certification is tailor made to fulfill the needs of all major stakeholders.

The main results of the project are:

  • The Need Assessment Study to define the certification system based on over 200 questionnaires and 25 in-depth interviews;
  • The new certification procedure based on the Need Assessment;
  • 26 e-learning modules designed to support users in getting more understanding and awareness about their own soft-skills;
  • The local.glorecertificate.net website;
  • The involvement of 50 CSOs and 120 volunteers in the usage of the GloRe Certification System;
  • The international dissemination event involving CSO from Turkey and the EU;
  • The toolkit featuring examples of non-formal education methodologies about certification and tutoring of volunteers.

Euro-Turkish Civil Society Development

The follow up of the project

Euro-Turkish Civil Society Development (EUROTUREC, ref. num. CSD-VI/372) is supported by the EU Programme “Supporting Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey Grant Scheme (CSD-VI)”. The aim of the Program is to foster cooperation between Turkish and European Civil Society.

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NB: the GloRe Network Quality Committee reserves the right to open a removal procedure in case of circumstances proving that the organisation does not comply with the GloRe Quality Charter.

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Associazione Joint and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union